Documentation of The Ring of Fire Reggio Discussion

T – can you summarise for me what you’ve done so far.
Z – we want to know if all the quakes are connected and also the chille mine, pike river mine.
T – how are you going to find this out.
O – we need to work out timings, how deep they were, what the atmosphere was like.
O – we want to make a model of the plates on the earth and how they are moving
O – I think it is similar to moving boll bearings.
O – when it gets closer to the plate that is moving the small plates are expanding to a larger frequency.
T – what do you mean,
O – as in the ricter scale.
Erin and Brittany are the designers and Zane and Oscar are the researches, experimenters and researches.
O – we need to know where the tectonic plates are, distances between places etc etc.
T – so you need to find out which places you are going to look at.
O – we also need to find out the magnatude and time of the quakes.
O – the thing we are really excited about is the fact that no-one knows the answer to this and we could be the first.
B – it is going to be a globe shape
Z – except it will have the plates too.
T – where are you going to find the information?
O - Newspapers from the time of the disaster and use the internet.