Friday, June 24, 2011


The smarts are the different ways in which children learn. This homework helps to develop the smarts children have strengths in and those they need to develop.
This term you are to choose 1 activity from each of the Smarts, and then complete 3 other activities of your choice. Remember to do your maths, spelling and reading and that they are signed off each week. After each activity is completed write down the activity and a short reflection on how well it went. You will present your outcomes to your class in wk 5 & 10.

People Smart
Cook 2 dinners for your family. Write down what you cooked and have two family members critique each of your meals.
Choose a different culture to your own, learn how to say three different commands in their language eg hello, how are you and goodbye. Find out what the country celebrates and how it celebrates.
Discuss with parents and do some voluntary work for an organisation eg SPCA or for someone in your neighbourhood.

Music / Picture Smarts
Take photos of your top 5 places in Rolleston and record why they are your favourites.
Make a dance up for your favourite song to perform in front of your class (can work in groups).
Make an instrument from recycled materials.
Draw or paint a piece of classical music as it plays.
Make a garden, bedroom, park etc in a shoe box.

Number/Word Smarts
Complete two science experiments and record what you did, how well did it work, what was the science learning involved?
Complete 5 soduko and glue into your homework book.
Complete 5 crosswords and glue into your homework book.

Body and Kinesthetic Smarts
Develop a two week fitness plan and complete.
Learn to juggle and share with the class.
Learn how to knit and make something to share with the class.
Get creative with wood and nails, bring in your end result to share.

Nature Smarts
Do some gardening for your family or neighbours. At least 1 hour.
Go on a bush walk with your family and take photos and record what you observe.
Make a chart to identify native birds or trees. Take photos or sketch, name specific features and name to bird or tree.
Do something in your community to enhance nature. Eg plant some plants, pick up rubbish on the street, write to the council about lack of rubbish bins.

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