Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hearts for Christchurch

Hearts for Christchurch.
I love the new fresh feeling of children singing and dancing to my choir and organs. Sing songing to the squeals of laughter, prayers of happiness and my world back to the way it used to be but only better this time.

I was crumbling, all lonely and weeping to the ghostly sounds of the fading city all around me. The lights of hope slowly fight their way through to become part of what Christchurch used to be. I was sneezing the dust of my broken city that must and would be fixed.

The earthquake alarmed me, hearing the curdling cries of death and panic and the clouds of dust invading my worried city.

My eyes were blinded by the unbelievable loss of my soul mates, friends and family. It was bringing me down. I could be restored but there would always be a lonely ache in my heart for the loss that can never be replaced.

Already, the ground beneath me feels stronger. I thought my tradesmen would take longer to do their necessary repairs- but no- just like you and I, they felt the time was right to restore our city’s heart.

1 comment:

  1. My Mum really likes listening to me read this to her but she wonders why someone woud say this is funny!
